Spot on Reposting @caloriesmix: … “EATING MADE SIMPLE – Bananas make you fat. …
Spot on Reposting @caloriesmix: … “EATING MADE SIMPLE – Bananas make you fat. Too much fruit raises your insulin levels. Cant eat nuts cus theyre really calorie dense. MAN – did you hear that too much soy causes your boobs to grow? NO way Im touching carbs after 6pm. – Wake me up when it’s over. – Non of the foods featured in this post will make you burn fat. Eating consistently in a calorie deficit will do that. – Non of these foods will magically get you jacked – eating consistently in a calorie surplus combined with progressive lifting will do that. – BUT – more important than building muscle or burning fat ALL these foods WILL jack your health. – Whether your goal is fat loss or muscle gain the food goals on a plant based diet remain the same. – The only thing that changes is your Kcal target. – The basic principles of a healthy whole-foods plant-based diet that is optimal for FAT LOSS and WEIGHT GAIN is as follows: – Emphasize whole minimally processed foods. Zero animal products. Focus on plants including vegetables fruits whole grains legumes seeds and nuts Exclude refined foods like added sugars white flour and processed oils Pay special attention to food quality with many proponents of the WFPB diet promoting locally sourced organic food whenever possible. – Basically just eat real food in it’s most unprocessed state possible. All that good shiiiiiiiiit – Keep it clean – Sammy x . By: Jack Davis.on.plants” #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #veganbodybuilding #vegannutrition #nutrition #health #healthyliving #bodybuilding #weightlossjourney #weightwatchers #slimmingworld #girlswholift #womenwholiftweights #bbg #leanin15 #powerlifting #weightlifting #plantbased #whatveganseat #veganeats